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As your Green Party representative for Dún Laoghaire, I am fighting to improve the quality of your life and our environment.
This has never been more urgent.

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What I'm Working On

Image by Paul Costello
Image from iOS (29).jpg

Clean Water in Dublin Bay

I am actively working to protect our beaches and swimming areas which are so important to our communities

Safe Active Travel routes

With good connections for cycling and walking. I believe this is a quality of life issue for us all in Dun Laoghaire, we have achieved much but there is more to do.

Insulation Installation


Improving the heat retention in homes and lowering energy costs for homes around the country

Laptop Keyboard

Greenifying the Council

Living in a green community provides a wealth of benefits for residents, including improved health and wellbeing

Cyber Security Awareness

Becoming more and more important with the increase in attacks on personal, business and public service computers.

Support the Circular Economy

Promoting and encouraging businesses that reduce, recycle and reuse materials

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